Sartorially Spooky: Halloween Costumes for the Fashion-phile in You

Orange and black and patterns, oh my!
Anna Wintour's cold stare
Try out Nuclear Wintour this Halloween! | Photo by {andrew} via flickr commons

Halloweekend is nearly upon us, heralding excited discussion of parties, pranks, and, of course, costumes! There will be Snookis, GaGas and “Sexy ____”‘s (Librarian, Bunny, Sigmund Freud, etc.) aplenty running around. Why not bring your passion for fashion into the world of Halloween? Make the Trick r’ Treat beat your runway. These fashion-friendly costumes will give you the stylish edge you crave while maintaining the sense of fun and tomfoolery that Halloween is all about!

1. “Nuclear” Anna Wintour

To emulate Vogue’s notoriously icy editor-in-chief, a few elements are a must: a golden-brown pageboy, something made of fur (faux or otherwise) and the most irritated expression you can possibly muster. Other fun add-ons include massive sunglasses, jewels aplenty and maybe even a harried assistant tagging along! Take it a step further and behave coldly to everyone around you. Pro’s: you are fabulous and own everyone and everything. Con’s: you might not be the most popular gal at the party.

2. Karl Lagerfeld

Whether you are a lady or man, this is a fun costume to try on Halloween! If you have long hair already, powder it white and tie it back in a ponytail, or find a white wig if your hair is short. Bronze yourself into oblivion and paint forehead wrinkles and frown lines onto your face using eyeliner. Wear all black all the time, multiple rings, a rosary, fingerless gloves and giant glasses (try making an interlocking C’s Chanel logo out of metallic paper and taping them to your favorite cheapies). For a fun twist, be Karl before his famed weight loss–stuff that fabulously chic outfit with an outrageously false gut!

Orange and black and patterns, oh my!
Emulate's Leandra Medine in a festive and fashionable ensemble that repulses menfolk! | Photo by via flickr commons

3. A Man Repeller

Embody the philosophy of’s Leandra Medine and wear all those trends that women love and men love to hate–ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Red lipstick, skirts over pants, giant platform booties, super-high collars, as many layers as you can stand, spiky accessories, peplums, neon and feathers, oh my! Pile it all on, and don’t forget the obligatory arm-party. Slink around the party being goofy and hilarious, striking a pigeon-toed blogger pose when you’re not in motion.

4. Daphne Guiness

This endlessly beguiling artist is perfect for an ambitious makeup artist! Rim your eyes in iridescent darkness, powder your face white, contour your cheekbones until they look like they could cut glass and give yourself a skunk-y hairstyle that would put both Cruella deVille and Pepe LePew to shame! Wear the most complicated and outlandish ensemble you can get together. Bonus points for haute couture elements, touches of armor or a British accent!

5. Anna Dello Russo

Note: this costume is not for the faint of heart! This famously outrageous editor of Vogue Nippon is known for taking enormous fashion risks in only the most irreverent of ways. ADR is all about being goofy and colorful–so pretty much anything goes. Try a hat made of fruit or a stuffed bird, don an ensemble using every single color known to man in its brightest form, strap on some sky-high shoes, and wear an enormous pair of sunglasses, and you’re good to go! The only musts are long, flowing light brown waves and lots of leg.

Try one of these costumes out this Halloweekend and blow everyone away with your style! We promise it’ll be a fabulous night.

About Sharon Weissburg

Sharon Weissburg (CAS 2015) hails from the lovely city of Providence, Rhode Island and loves fashion, literature, music, and art. She's a pretty big fan of pretzels dipped in marshmallow fluff, too.

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