First Impressions: Inspirations of a Music Blogger

Photo by Flickr user crsan

Do you remember your first time? It was probably sweaty, loud and over before you even really grasped what had happened to you. That one night probably changed your life, who you made friends with and maybe even the profession you geared towards.

I know it did for me.

My first concert was in the upstairs of a church. One band I knew and three that I had never heard of. I walked in as a nervous middle-schooler with just my three friends to share the experience with, but walked out ear drums busted, covered in sweat (not all my own), and one of a crowd that had escaped reality for a few hours. I even got a picture with the band, a nice plus of smaller shows.

I was hooked. There’s nothing like seeing your favorite bands live, or any music actually. Since this eight-grade endeavor going to concerts has been a major activity in my life. From intimate house shows of bands I’ve never heard to music festivals featuring the latest to grace all the magazines, there is a great experience every time.

Music is undeniably influential. It’s always a go-to topic when first talking with someone and probably linked to some of your greatest memories. First concerts, and any active engagement in music, initiate independence and self-discovery. My First Time: A Collection of First Punk Show Stories highlights this, taking personal anecdotes from musicians and music journalists to show the kick-start affect their first concerts had. Although its geared toward the punk community, it’s interesting to see how one show set the course for who would be involved in the music industry in the years to come.

Whether for professional journalists or out-of-dorm bloggers, every interaction with music is a chance at a new revelation in life, or to inspire their audience into a new direction. I never could have pictured that tagging along to that one show would lead to my love of small, intimate concerts and my appreciation of live music on every level. But now that I’m channeling those experiences into public writings, I hope to tip others off to performances that open them up to music.

Our lives our full of firsts; whether days at school, dates or dances, a new experience can take us in any direction. Some, of course, are more influential than others. Even if you’re not still with that boyfriend, you always have some relationship with music. So keep your mind and ears open… you never know where the music will take you.

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