The Curse of the Ugglies

It’s autumn, and the hideous things are absolutely everywhere.  Then again, you can’t even get away from them in the summer, when they’re worn with short-shorts, dresses, and skirts. What ARE they, exactly? Well, I’m sure you’ve guessed it by now- Ugg Australian boots, or better known as, Ugglies.

A pair of Ugglies, in the flesh | Photo by Patricia Bruce

Most people understand how horrible they look, and simply just don’t care. I hear it all the time, “They’re so comfortable! That’s the only reason I wear them.” It is this statement, exactly, that is the base of the curse. It is not an excuse to pair them with every outfit (like most do), or even worse, just put on a pair of leggings, Ugglies, and go. I can’t go anywhere without seeing at least one person wearing  them out on the street, in PUBLIC, no matter what time of year. Autumn and winter definitely fall victim to the Curse of the Ugglies more than summer and spring, but they never go away. Okay, not everyone wears them, but there are WAY too many people that do.

That’s right, notice I said people. Not just girls– the curse has spread to guys. Sure, it’s mostly the fun- loving gay men that everyone adores, but even they don’t make the wearing of Ugglies okay.

Ugglies worn with jeans tucked into them, a common style | Photo courtesy of WikiMedia

Ugglies come in an array of colors, but not even if they came in a fluorescent tie-dye blue would there be anything even remotely aesthetically pleasing about them. They just exist in their ugly way, something I’ve had to grow used to facing. In addition, they are mainly made of sheepskin, and I personally love sheep too much to walk around on them all day. I understand that people love the extreme comfort and warmth that they bring, “happiness for your feet,” as I’ve heard it, but can’t we make our feet happy without the hideousness that is the Curse of the Ugglies?

I honestly do not remember a time when the fashion faux paw did not exist, but sadly, I can’t say I’ve always hated them. In my defense, this was in junior high when I wanted everything my best friend wanted, which at that time was a brand new pair of pink Ugglies. I could imagine myself parading around with them, happy as can be, another victim of a terrible trend. Luckily, I never got around to buying them.

I can ecstatically say that I am one of the few girls I know that has NEVER owned a pair of the over-purchased, over-advertised, boots. I will never even plan on getting close to committing the faux pas that is the Curse of the Ugglies.

About Patricia Bruce

Patricia Bruce is a junior in COM/CAS majoring in philosophy & photojournalism. She enjoys things with ph's, and is the photo as well as fashion editor for the Quad. The end.

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4 Comments on “The Curse of the Ugglies”

  1. The ugg-ugg-ly joke was old in 2003 when Ugg boots first appeared on the scene. Sure, they’re not cute, but that’s not always the point. Uggs have been around for too long to still receive this kind of sensationalized coverage. Everyone knows why not to buy a pair of Ugg boots and this article does little more than reiterate the same points people have been talking about since the shearling boots first appeared on ever middle school girls christmas list.

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